Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening is an important, free check of how your child is growing, developing, and learning. This screening is a Minnesota public school requirement. Ideally, children participate in screening between the ages of 3 - 5. Don’t wait — earlier is better!
Schedule a Screening Appointment
Email Early Childhood Screening To begin the scheduling process, please send an email to ecscreening@orono.k12.mn.us with the following information: child’s full name, parent names, date of birth, projected kindergarten year, phone number and email address.
Watch for a return email You will receive an email response from our Early Childhood Screener with important details and a link to our Sign-Up Genius for scheduling.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Where do we go for Early Childhood Screening appointments?
5050 Independence Street, Maple Plain, MN 55359
Note: enter the main entrance and check in at the Early Learning office
What happens during an Early Childhood Screening appointment?
Vision and hearing
Height and weight
Speech and language development
Gross motor and fine motor skills
Cognitive development
Social and emotional development
Immunization status
What should I expect?
Screening will last approximately one hour.
You will accompany your child throughout the screening process, so please attempt to arrange child care for siblings/other children if possible.
The results of the screening will be shared with you at the end of your appointment.
What should I tell my child about the appointment?
This screening is play-based. You can prepare your child by telling them they will play games with a Preschool teacher. Activities include “seeing and hearing games,” building blocks, drawing, jumping, talking and playing.
- Assure your child that you will be in the same room with them throughout the screening.
What if my child was screened elsewhere?
What if my child has an IEP?
Note: Parents may choose to conscientiously object
Parents may conscientiously object to the state screening program. Read Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.16-19 and Minnesota Rules, part 3530.3000-4310 for more information.
Additional questions?
Thank you! We look forward to meeting you and your child.